
N. DELEONARDIS, Lo sfruttamento del lavoro: analisi sinottica, inD. Garofalo (a cura di), L’effettività delle tutele nel lavoro in agricoltura. Atti del…

On April 9th 2024, the event relating to the Albergo Etico project took place at the Jonico Department in "Legal and Economic Systems of the Mediterranean:…

A few months after the European vote, four EU countries have blocked negotiations on the proposed European directive for the protection of digital platform…

With the Labor decree, the players in active policies change. With the Anpal deprived of authority, which now only has advisory functions, the role of the Gol…

There are many platform workers and freelancers who are formally independent and unable to negotiate their working conditions, especially remuneration. The…

The budget law has reformed the citizen's income by imposing activation obligations. But it is only a make-up that does not intervene on the most relevant…

The conference, as part of the PRIN 2020 project "LIVEABLE - LABOR AS A DRIVER OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT". CUP D83C22000260001, is organized by the Department…