Project objectives

Research units objectives

The UNIBA RESEARCH UNIT will try to answer this question:

“To what extent and in what terms can sustainable work become an essential driver of sustainable development for businesses and public administrations?”

Focusing on Objective 8 (decent work and economic growth) of the 2030 Agenda, the UniBA Unit intends to analyse, in a multi and interdisciplinary perspective, the links and interactions between this objective and the others to verify whether achieving a concrete and effective implementation of the commitments of the 2030 Agenda.


The UNIUD RESEARCH UNIT will try to answer this question:

"To what extent and in what terms can sustainable work transform the phenomenon of the aging of the Italian population from a point of weakness to an engine of innovation through active aging policies?"

The UniUD Unit intends to analyze the Objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda through the magnifying glass of the "age" factor, in a multi- and interdisciplinary perspective, to identify policies and tools for sustainable work with a view to active ageing.


The UNIMORE RESEARCH UNIT will try to answer this question:

“To what extent and in what terms can sustainable work transform the fragility of people with chronic non-communicable diseases into an engine for building a more inclusive society?”

Focusing on Objective 3 (health and well-being) of the 2030 Agenda, the UniMORE Unit intends to re-read the other Objectives from the perspective of the fragility of health conditions, with particular regard to workers suffering from chronic non-communicable diseases.


The UNIMC RESEARCH UNIT will try to answer this question:

“How much and in what terms can sustainable work stimulate a public and private welfare system, to combine the need for protection of vulnerable subjects with financial sustainability?”

By placing Objective 1 of the Agenda (Defeating poverty) and number 10 (Reducing inequalities) at the center of the examination, this research unit intends to verify the state of health of the Italian welfare system, through the analysis of implemented so far and formulating proposals for a more rational and sustainable allocation of available resources with a view to eliminating situations of social inequality.