The Project

The project starts from the consideration of the centrality of work, understood as a means to achieve sustainable development not only for the realization of Objective n. 8 of the UN Agenda 2030, expressly dedicated to decent work and economic growth, but also for the other Goals contained therein.

Through this project, we want to test the legislation on labor and social rights in order to identify its strengths and weaknesses, using the Objectives of the 2030 Agenda as a key to understanding to put forward possible proposals for interpretation, action or change.

The project aims at a reorientation of labor law studies on the theme of sustainability, opening up a more complex, multi- and interdisciplinary scenario, which requires the contribution of other legal disciplines and many humanistic and socio-economic disciplines.

The objectives of the research are the following:

  • to verify the adequacy of the implementation of the Objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda in Italy, with reference to demographic changes and the increase in non-communicable chronic diseases;
  • to carry out a mapping of social fragility and formulate proposals for social and work inclusion strategies in the logic of social sustainability;
  • to make suggestions to political decision makers and social partners regarding the possible declinations of sustainable work.

To achieve these objectives, the four research units will carry out their activities both in synergy and in parallel.