
Health and work: a question of sustainability

Health and work: a question of sustainability.

Published in 2023 second issue of the journal Industrial Relations Law, a section edited by the research unit of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and dedicated to the relationship between health and work with a view to sustainability, with a specific focus on the conditions of so-called chronically ill.

In addition to the essays edited by the members of the research unit - Michele Tiraboschi, Alberto Levi and Emanuele Dagnino - dedicated to the reconstruction of the systemic framework of the relationship between health and work in the internal system, there is an essay by Domenico Garofalo, who offers an in-depth analysis on profiles relating to the termination of the employment relationship due to the worker's illness and two contributions that allow us to compare the Italian regulatory framework with the experiences of other countries. Thanks to the contributions of Loïc Lerouge and Silvia Fernández Martínez it is, in fact, possible to appreciate the continuity and discontinuity of the French and Spanish regulatory responses with respect to a phenomenon - that of chronic diseases and the management of a workforce that will increasingly have to live with this condition - which presents challenges not dissimilar to the systems of many other Western countries.

Attributable to the project, within the same issue of the Journal, a jurisprudential review by Emanuele Dagnino on the extension of the notion of disability for anti-discrimination purposes towards workers with chronic diseases, entitled Chronic diseases and anti-discrimination discipline: the orientations of the judiciary on the duration of the period of conduct.

Below is the index of the section with abstracts in Italian.


Research – Health and work: a question of sustainability

MICHELE TIRABOSCHI, Salute e lavoro: un binomio da ripensare. Questioni giuridiche e profili di relazioni industriali

ALBERTO LEVI, Sostenibilità del lavoro e tutela della salute in senso dinamico: la prospettiva privilegiata delle malattie croniche

LOÏC LEROUGE, La malattia progressiva cronica sul lavoro nel diritto sociale francese

SILVIA FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍNEZ, La tutela dei lavoratori con malattie croniche in Spagna

EMANUELE DAGNINO, La tutela del lavoratore malato cronico tra diritto vivente e (mancate) risposte di sistema

DOMENICO GAROFALO, La risoluzione del rapporto di lavoro per malattia
